Tuesday, June 03, 2003

Why things have been so quiet on Pocket PC Japan since April?

Until the Hp h1920 news there has been a dearth of news since April. Anyone following Pocket PC news elsewhere will have surely heard the unofficial word on the web that Pocket PC 2003 is due out later this year. Some people are saying it is just going to be a small upgrade, others have posted details of more wide ranging improvements. Of course most people who have any info are sticking strictly to their NDA so full details are not available. The fact that manufacturers in general have not been making many announcements is though most likely the calm before the storm.

So who will announce the first Pocket PC 2003 in Japan? More importantly who will be the first to get one on the market?* Will the release of the hp1920 set a new price standard for Pocket PCs? Will we see any new and original hardware features? ..... Of course you can guarantee that the top stories from Japan will be featured here on Pocket PC Japan!

*My bet is on market leader Toshiba but there are rumors of a new Fujitsu model in Europe with built-in wireless and Bluetooth. Fujitsu is tied with Siemens though so it's by no means certain we'll see that here.

6/9/2003 - Update: Here's an article in Japanese from PC Web on the upcoming release of Pocket PC 2003.

6/13/2003 - Pocket PC 2003 will be released in 2003 in the US with Gateway joing the market. No news of a Japan release date yet though. The talk is that it will not be a huge update but that the OS will be optimized for Intel's StrongArm processors so it will be interesting to see what the performance is like.

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